Sunday, March 4, 2012







黄啓樟 2012/2/28於Fort Myers


1 comment:

  1. David:
    You are quite knowledgeable in American history, customs, and way of life, unlike many non-Americans who think that the US is really a totally democratic and free nation. To put it in a nutshell, it’s a country where money talks and laws excessive. This said, please don’t get the idea that I’m anti-American. In fact, I am so used to its system that I find it natural. Now, your request has prompted me to writing the following article to be included in my memoirs:
    (draft only).
    British Ancestry. People of British and German background form the majority of the US population. But they never “think British nor German” and wouldn’t hesitate to call their kind from other countries as Gringos. And outstanding British-American General Marshall wouldn’t hesitate to bomb London, and German-American General Eisenhower to bomb Berlin if ordered to do so.
    Unlike the Canadians who maintain some kinship with Britain because the country is still a member of the British Commonwealth. And the French-Canadians in Quebec still speak French and perhaps closely tied to the old country.
    When I was with the US military during WWII, the American soldiers would call the British “limeys” even though they themselves were of British origin. So, do you expect them to wave the Union Jack and the German flag and adhere to anything British or German. In fact, they want to be different. Back then, they used to ask any Asians if they could speak “American,” not English. And don’t be surprised if you are so asked while visiting rural America!
    You said stores in some small American township don’t sell liquors on Sundays. But definitely not so in American cities.
    Religions & Discriminations. Yes, Christians belonging to the Protestant Church form the largest group in the US. Subsequently, the most powerful force in politics. This, however, does not mean that they are all true believers.
    Now, on the question of discrimination against women. Please don’t forget that the American women were deprived of quite a bit of rights in recent history. They were not allowed to vote, would lose their US citizenship if married to non-US citizens, less pay for equal work held by men, and many more.
    People are surprised that the US now has a black president. But don’t forget, he is a mulatto, and not totally “black.” And outstanding women of Chinese ancestry in America such as Elaine Chao and Connie Chung could get that far because their husbands are Caucasians. Thus, making it much easier to be accepted into the mainstream. This reminds me of some male Anglo Americans proposing to female minorities saying: “ You will at least obtain a good name like Morrison if you marry me!”
    Minority. As for us minorities, we have to stick together as one particular group so as to form a clout in the mainstream. Like the saying goes “Unity is Power.” Subsequently, unlike the term “Anglo-American” which is seldom heard of, the common hyphenated callings such as Chinese-American, Japanese-American, Afro-American, etc. And each group would adhere to some of traditions of the old country so as to identify their ancestries.
    Take what’s going on with the “Jeremy Lin Fever” as an example. He was born and raised in New York, an American through and through. But all over the US and perhaps the world, his background is emphasized as Chinese.
